Tuesday, February 2, 2010


"Electric bicycles" are extremely popular and getting more so. - NY Times
Used to be called scooters, didn't they?
Robotic pack-mules being developed for the Army can carry 200kg in any terrain for 24 straight hours -Layer8 blog
Selective breeding of cannabis plants for a better high also makes them a health hazard for some
- Popular Science
Army to dispense with bayonet training in basic training; modern high tech soldiers don't fight that way anymore - Popular Science
OK but what happens if you run out of ammo or your rifle jams up then?
Is human knowledge likely to survive long term in digital form? - New Scientist
Data carved into stone can last a long, long time. Stuff stored on a HDD not so much.
Why some NYC parents are giving IQ tests to their four-year-olds. -iSteveblog
Steve Wozniak: Toyota accelerator problems are caused by software bugs. - Gizmodo
Patent trolls doing great: beats actually producing code. - Ars Technica

Surplus SKS rifles are cheap, rugged, dependable, plentiful.-Backwoods Home Magazine
"This handy little semi-auto is just the ticket for taking whitetails in the woods or groundhogs in the bean field—out to somewhat over 200 yards. While its 7.62 X 39 cartridge packs plenty of punch for the bigger bucks (especially with handloaded 150-grain bullets), its recoil is really pretty negligible."