Saturday, February 5, 2011


Detroit's Mayor declares war on slumlords: But leave it to ex-city councilwoman Sheila Cockrell for some honesty and insight on the issue. To wit: "...the city controls more blighted properties than any other landowner." There it is.

"They are the enemy, and should be shot on sight.": Who? What?  Eurasian boars imported to hunting preserves have escaped and gone feral. The DNR is being urged to issue a "shoot on sight decree" to cull them down. Hmm... Maybe Detroit should adopt that policy toward its slumlords?

Winter's Bone: I saw the movie last night and it deserves serious consideration for an Oscar for best picture and best actor. A serious and unsentimental look at America's white rural underclass well written and superbly acted. I had a few quibbles with some the details, but then I always do. Go see it.

Battle looms over future of Michigan tax credit for low income workers: As usual, it's a party line thing. Dems for and Reps against.

Santelli Slams CNBC Panelists for Spinning Jobs Report: Good for him! We need some populist outrage on the unemployment issue. Although I'd describe Santelli as a "useful idiot" most of the time he's performing a real service exposing the kool-aid drinkers in the mainstream media who try to spin everything for Obama and the Democrats and their ineffectual employment policies.