A sincere defense of Bloomberg-style nannyism from Timothy Noah [New Republic]
Metro-Detroit area ex-Marine killed under suspicious circumstances while working for DynCorp overseas [Detroit Metro-Times]
North Dakotans will vote on whether to abolish property taxes this fall [Strike-the-Root.com]
Game of Thrones is the most pirated TV show of the season [TorrentFreak via Slashdot]
Hotmail is getting a revamp [TechCrunch]
Metro-Detroit area ex-Marine killed under suspicious circumstances while working for DynCorp overseas [Detroit Metro-Times]
North Dakotans will vote on whether to abolish property taxes this fall [Strike-the-Root.com]
Game of Thrones is the most pirated TV show of the season [TorrentFreak via Slashdot]
Hotmail is getting a revamp [TechCrunch]