Friday, January 29, 2010


Ridicule, mockery, and derision are Obama's Achilles Heel - A Conservative Lesbian blog
Looking Back on the Space Shuttle Era's Disasters and Successes - Popular Mechanics
Young Blood Reverses Signs of Aging in Old Mice - MIT Technology Review
Antioxidants aren't always good for you and can impair muscle function - Eureka Alert!
Levitating magnet could make fusion faster and cheaper - Ars Techica
Ultimate Geek Accessory: 80 Port USB Panel - Gizmondo
The blog post that got ESPN writer fired - FlipCollective blog
"I haven’t donated to the Haitian relief effort for the same reason that I don’t give money to homeless men on the street. Based on past experiences, I don’t think the guy with the sign that reads “Need You’re Help” is going to do anything constructive with the dollar I might give him. If I use history as my guide, I don’t think the
people of Haiti will do much with my money either."
California wants to register as historical resources the space junk (high-tech and otherwise) left behind by the Apollo 11 crew. - LA Times
University of Michigan Athlete with prosthetic leg - enhanced or handicapped? - Michigan Daily
At some point we're gonna all have to discuss this, uncomfortable or not.
You Are Not a Gadget
Book Review - The New Yorker [Powell's Books link here.]

Charles Daly 12-Gauge Tactical Pump Shotgun for $299 + shipping. -