Nobel Peace Prize-winner Obama ups spending on nuclear weapons - Daily Mail [U.K.]
"The budget is higher than that allocated by George Bush – who was seen by many as a warmongering president in the wake of the Iraq invasion in 2003..." Who'd have thunk it?
Flexible Sheets Capture Energy from Movement - MIT Technology Review
Living out of your car in LA - LA Weekly
Some do it cuz they're homeless and some just like the nomadic lifestyle it allows.
Gary Kasparov On Chess Masters Versus Computers - A book review from the NY Review of Books
Pistol With Wireless Arming Signal Goes On Sale Soon - Wired
The pistol has ..." an electronic safety that automatically disables the pistol when it’s not within a few inches of a custom wristwatch."
Phone and Text Bans On Drivers Shown To Be Ineffective- International Business Times
Why People Ignore Their Voice Mail Alerts - Gizmodo