Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tuesday pot-shots

War is just another government program full of waste, fraud, and abuse. A fine illustration is this story  about the Army's new batch of M-240L machineguns  supposedly at the eye-popping price of $86,000 per weapon. However if you read the story you'll see that's not the actual price. Too bad that even after you read the complex details in the story that you still won't  have any idea what they really cost the taxpayer.
Ever wonder what the 10 most pirated movies on the Internet are? C/Net has a list. I don't blame people for stealing a view of these films; I wouldn't pay $10 to see this shit either.
A Volkh Conspiracy blogger comments that people tend to discus politics with people they already agree with and read/listen/watch political media whose viewpoint they already support. This is news? People believe what they chose to believe and are likely wary of starting arguments, feuds, or causing ill-feelings with friends and acquaintances when they don't have to. Who can blame them really?
What daily existence looks like when a court runs your life. The story of the New Jersey supreme court since the 1950s. The justices are appointed for "life" (until age 70) and lacking any restraints whatever. "Absolute power" corrupts.
An altogether pointless article that closely examines some  libertarian philosophical  minutiae in great depth but to no apparent purpose. "Too many books make one weary", eh?
Prospective jurors for the upcoming Hutaree Militia trial  have begun the voire dire process. Good. It's been nearly two fuckin' years since they were entrapped arrested. This lengthy time lapse just goes to show that this stuff about the US government being required to give arrestees a "speedy trial" is bullshit.
Detroit's  own version of Toulouse Lautrec's oeuvre (i.e., low-brow subject matter like prostitutes, strippers, and prurient nudes done with a classical painter's technique).